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Adeldor t1_jacwkb5 wrote

Their orbits are low enough, were Starlink to quit launching and every satellite malfunctioned (IOW couldn't be deliberately deorbited as they are normally), within a few years there'd be none left in orbit.

And I don't consider equipment providing low latency, high speed internet service everywhere on the planet trash.


SpearOfNeptune t1_jacylbp wrote

Highspeed Internet for the whole World which only People in first World Countries can afford ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’€


Adeldor t1_jacz7ro wrote

Nonsense. Rural villages have a single connection, which they share through local wifi.


SpearOfNeptune t1_jad0wh1 wrote

Oh sure, you mean in Countries where People are lucky if they earn more than 500.-? They for sure have 600.- for the Starter Kit and the 110.- per Month to waste even as a Community ๐Ÿ’€


Adeldor t1_jad1laz wrote

Can you suggest a better alternative for them, or provide one? One that works on mountains, in deserts, at the poles, in jungles, on oceans, in aircraft, etc.?


DefinitelyNotSnek t1_jad2rtr wrote

They don't charge the same prices everywhere, they will charge whatever each regional market will bear.

For example in Mexico it costs 1,100 pesos per month which is ~$60 USD.


dbx999 t1_jaf4nr1 wrote

If you want a maritime subscription (to use on a ship), that's like $5,000/mo


What_U_KNO t1_jacwsa1 wrote

Itโ€™s space trash when the person doing it has the attention span of a golden retriever with ADHD.


Adeldor t1_jacyet7 wrote

So says the person with an internet connection about a company (not an individual) providing remote villages with service, emergency workers in the field, areas cut off by natural disaster, and others without connection.


What_U_KNO t1_jacze3d wrote

Donโ€™t get me wrong, the idea is good, the person behind it is a flighty teenage man with the attention span of a lobotomized goldfish


Adeldor t1_jaczr5n wrote

Regardless of one's opinion of Musk, Starlink is far more than just him, with many hard working engineers making it happen.


What_U_KNO t1_jaczyt0 wrote

Till he decides to fire them for tweeting unflattering things about him.


Adeldor t1_jad145q wrote

In which case he'd sell the company, deorbit the satellites and close it down, or abandon it and the satellites would come down shortly by themselves. In any case, the upside far outweighs any downside.


mustafar0111 t1_jae4r0b wrote

I mean Musk aside shit talking your private companies boss or CEO publicly on social media is a good way to get yourself fired period. Doesn't matter where you work.

That is keeping a job 101.


FutureMartian97 t1_jaf09i9 wrote

You realize that Elon doesn't run SpaceX unchecked right? Shotwell runs the day to day operations and would never let Elon just shut down Starlink. Not to mention the military is very interested in it as well.


mysalamileg t1_jaf3g4b wrote

Who gives a flying fuck. Does that mean it doesn't work? No