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t1_j8eu90g wrote

I love Napoli. I have been in many other places, but I keep preferring Naples to other major cities like Milan, Rome, etc…

One day I might just go to Sardinia or some other less light polluted area and experience the night sky as our ancestors saw it!


t1_j8eumgz wrote

That sounds wonderful!! it does indeed look like an absolutely beautiful city. It really is a gorgeous country.


t1_j8euv5l wrote

You should visit it one day! The food is top notch, especially pizza and pastries


t1_j8ev4tx wrote

I was just watching “Tokyo Lense” a YouTube channel about a guy who documents his life in Japan and this world is so incredibly beautiful. I wish I had infinite money in more than 80 years cause this little rock we’re on his quite sexy..