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Ari76L t1_j94ea0y wrote

Let’s say in few hundred years we have the tech to travel all over our galaxy with the knowledge of where there are planets with civilizations. We would be able to know where they are technologically, if we were to visit them we would try to not interfere if we believe they’re not ready for contact. The universe is littered with precious metals, it rains diamonds in some planets, I find it hard to believe we would want anything minerals from their planet. However we might want to observe, get to learn something from their advances but the main interest would be biological. That falls in line with what is happening here on our planet. Any thoughts on this theory?


Xaqv t1_j95p6o5 wrote

Sounds great! But I just feel too sorry for myself to carry on with it.


Ari76L t1_j95tpps wrote

Same here, for my family too. I’m tired of the pointless 9-5 every week every year, it’s pointiest. I think DMT might be worth trying. People that take it once say they understand the universe, not so sure about that but what if it’s true


Xaqv t1_j962d2v wrote

Always the old standby: It’s all a joke - just step back, be amused (bemused) and continue respiring