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BaltimoresJandro t1_j9eqcjt wrote

Try a dark sky preserve. Almost sure you could from one of those areas.


vnevner OP t1_j9eqf21 wrote

I can't really, I'm 13 but my dad might want to aswell.


BaltimoresJandro t1_j9ewccg wrote

That is a link to a list of all of the Dark sky preserves worldwide.

Your age doesnt have to be a limiting factor. Sit down with your dad and pull up this list and see if you guys can plan to visit one. They are all over the world it may just be a few hour drive.

I didn't see the stars with my eyes until I was 29. It is an extremely moving experience. Good luck!


vnevner OP t1_j9ewgoc wrote

I can see stars but to get away from cities I kinda need a car. Thanks for the link btw!