psychmonkies t1_j7abruw wrote
Truly breathtaking. May I ask how you captured this exactly?
caidicus t1_j7adj5l wrote
Is this through any kind of IR filter, or is it true-color?
It's a gorgeous picture, either way.
PleasantGuide t1_j7ae9pc wrote
Wow, you must live in a dark place with no light pollution to be able to take this brilliant photo!
[deleted] t1_j7afg4e wrote
Lookupnz t1_j7afqyk wrote
Great job capturing all the extended nebulosity! Such a beautiful target, it never gets old seeing people capture it.
[deleted] t1_j7ahowl wrote
EkantTakePhotos OP t1_j7ar7v2 wrote
I used an Optolong l-extreme filter on this - you'd never see the same colours with the naked eye, but the strong Ha signal gives it the red tinge.
EkantTakePhotos OP t1_j7ar8df wrote
Suburban skies (Bortle 6).
[deleted] t1_j7auevg wrote
[deleted] t1_j7c96hi wrote
[deleted] t1_j7dfz56 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7dnm6k wrote
imtourist t1_j7efbfl wrote
This looks absolutely unreal. I really admire this photo you've taken (or rather composited etc.. :) )
[deleted] t1_j7eqbqp wrote
[deleted] t1_j7gqcvq wrote
caidicus t1_j7p1t3v wrote
Thank you for explaining that to me. What does this, or rather, what would I look like with the naked eye, if someone were close enough to see it at this scale?
EkantTakePhotos OP t1_j7abllm wrote
It's brighter and 4x larger than the Orion Nebula but because it's only visible in Southern skies the Eta Carinae Nebula doesn't get as much love as Orion. At 7,500 light years away it's a huge nebula that is close to the Southern Cross and visible all night.
All shot from my back garden in Christchurch, New Zealand (Bortle 6) - A total of 48 x 300s light exposures were taken with 60 flats, 60 darks, 30 Dark Flat frames for calibration for a total of 4 hours of light data and just over 9 hours of total integration time.
Integrated in Pixinsight and edited with BlurXterminator, StarXterminator, Photoshop CS, and Capture One
This image was taken with the following gear:
I post shit like this all the time on Insta (@EkantV) and Facebook (EkantTakePhotos) but I'm usually just a sarcastic dick on Twitter, so don't follow me there.