[deleted] t1_j8o9fm2 wrote
Perfect-Scientist-29 t1_j8odj3u wrote
This type of rapid survey will also enable other space telescopes to use their time more efficiently, or better rank existing applications for extremely valuable Hubble and JWST time.
[deleted] t1_j8oh19d wrote
jcpmojo t1_j8ohg9b wrote
For anyone else as unaware as myself, it's named after the astronomer Nancy Grace Roman, not the horrible TV personality Nancy Grace.
nogzila t1_j8oiw9s wrote
They now think the dark energy is vacuum energy in older black holes .
Very interesting article that was posted not long ago on here.
nogzila t1_j8oj2nu wrote
Wouldn’t it be terrible if they named something so scientific after somebody so anti science… lol the Nancy Grace telescope on Fox News …
virgilreality t1_j8okvxu wrote
And what the hell is a "Roman Telescope"?
Hydraskull t1_j8opgho wrote
Horrible tv personality!?! Sounds like Grace is Under Fire here.
No_Dragonfly_1894 t1_j8opxoe wrote
I was gonna say, does it yell at a camera with overwrought indignation?
[deleted] t1_j8orxsb wrote
Saintious t1_j8ouiww wrote
That was my first thought.... Poor woman had to live with that name.
skunkman62 t1_j8oujpc wrote
Good to know. I started looking up Roman Space Telescope.
[deleted] t1_j8oumeq wrote
scaradin t1_j8p4v41 wrote
Hmm… some solid Ace vibes here:
>What the...that's it. That's it. Einhorn is Finkle. Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is a MAN! OH MY GOD! EINHORN IS A MAN?!
bug on physicists wall overhears:
>What the… that’s it. That’s it. Dark matter is black hole. Black hole is Dark matter. Dark matter is a BLACK HOLE! OH MY GOD! DARK MATTER IS A BLACK HOLE?!
spudd08 t1_j8p562r wrote
More importantly, what's a Grecian Urn?
grapesaresour t1_j8p5f3o wrote
Thank you lmao I was about to google “wtf does Nancy Grace have to do with telescopes” 😅
mtrash t1_j8p5psn wrote
I felt my blood pressure rise for a minute
Paddy_Tanninger t1_j8pag3z wrote
The Tucker Carlson Center for Climate Science and Immunology.
rocketsocks t1_j8pdv1e wrote
Let's just call it the Roman Space Telescope or RST for short.
This telescope is mostly a survey instrument, able to image roughly 1/4 of the sky every 5 years to a resolution of 0.11 arcseconds. For comparison, Hubble's resolution maxes out at 0.04 arcseconds, so it won't be quite at that level but it'll still be an enormous amount of very high quality data. Because of its large field of view and 0.3 gigapixel camera it'll return well over a terabyte of data per day (compared to JWST's ~30 gigabytes per day). Combined with JWST and the Vera Rubin Observatory these next generation telescopes will very much usher in a new era of high throughput data-rich astronomy.
axialintellectual t1_j8pe3oo wrote
It's like a regular telescope, but wearing a toga!
rocketsocks t1_j8pfh9q wrote
> They now think the dark energy is vacuum energy in older black holes .
That may be the case, but this is not how science works. Science isn't some Matlock-esque stage play where the hero rushes up, presents incontrovertible evidence, everyone says "yeah, that explains it" and then that's the end. Science is almost always a slow process of building a case piece by piece, layer by layer, which incrementally increases the likelihood of one specific explanation (competing theory) being true while eliminating alternative explanations.
The new idea of black holes being a source of dark energy is right now just a competing hypothesis, not an accepted fact. It may be true, it may not be, we don't know because we don't have enough observational evidence to say for sure. Science is the process of figuring out how to attempt to falsify a theory, collecting observational data, and seeing the results. It's possible that this theory will ultimately win out, but right now it's still just one of many potential ideas about dark energy.
I-tell-you-hwat t1_j8phrzf wrote
Yeah science needs to make sure the 1 is without a doubt 1 and 2 is absolutely 2 just so they can figure out what 3 is.
And even then there is always the chance that 1 isn’t quite correct.
We can’t even see dark energy with our equipment. It’s called “dark energy” for a reason.
CrimsonEnigma t1_j8pksup wrote
> Science isn't some Matlock-esque stage play where the hero rushes up, presents incontrovertible evidence, everyone says "yeah, that explains it" and then that's the end.
In fairness, that does happen, but it's very rare. When the sensitivity conjecture was proven in computer science, the proof was short enough to be tweeted out (a formal paper a couple pages long was published at the same time).
Arthurs-towel42 t1_j8pl958 wrote
Just who are all these brilliant people who design, engineer etc etc these modern telescopes. They are building the dreams of astrologists of the last few thousand years. For a simple pleb, I'm in awe.
nogzila t1_j8pnfbw wrote
I have been reading about the whole dark energy thing for awhile and it never clicked .
So I guess I am excited about a different theory on the matter .
And no matter how smart any of us or all of humanity thinks we are we probably don’t even know a percentage of a percent of what would be considered the truth .
Science can be matlockesqe it has happened ..
When somebody finally cracks a cure to polio or malaria or eventually cancer sure there will have to be trails and studies but that person will feel that moment .
Spatial theory might be a whole different ballgame when it comes to that because even when you think you have it figured out you really don’t.
It is hard to have it all figured out when you can only see one piece of the puzzle.
nogzila t1_j8pok9x wrote
There is so many different sciences or schools of science that it does happen more so in some then others.
Theories and physics is a bit different but it can happen to have that ah ha moment.
There is so much that we don’t know or can see it’s hard to have it all figured out.
nogzila t1_j8pos1l wrote
Dark energy is just a placeholder like a letter in an algebra equation . We don’t know what it is , we don’t know if it really even exists . We just know something is missing from the picture.
ThrowawayTheBig_D t1_j8pqh8d wrote
I don't think you needed to exclude the woman's name.
You didn't even use the acronym again in your post.
Are you intentionally trying to erase this woman's accomplishments from the scientific record or just obtuse?
rocketsocks t1_j8psc6n wrote
The woman's name is Roman, I used it.
[deleted] t1_j8puj70 wrote
OldTobyGreen t1_j8pxpgy wrote
Interestingly, the paper proposes that the mass of black holes is "cosmologically coupled" to the expansion rate of the universe. This was based on unexpected mass growth in black holes that our current models do not explain with accretion alone. The observations were made through analysis of older elliptical galaxies and gravitational wave signatures. What is being described by the researchers is the hypothesis that emerged from these unexpected observations.
My question is, if this expansion continues to accelerate to the point where only discrete massive objects exist in an expanding spacetime where all other objects have receded beyond the light horizon, would said objects continue their mass growth being coupled with an arbitrarily large, expanding spacetime? If so, what happens next?
It would seem that in this condition the "universe" would eventually consist of permanently displaced, high-density, high-temperature, low-volume objects gaining mass through some unknown mechanism by manner of spactime's continued expansion. Would the hypothetical conditions that altered the state of the proto-universe from pre-Big Bang to post-Big Bang arise in these objects? Would the continued mass growth over arbitrarily long time scales consequently increase the chances of the hypothesized causative quantum fluctuations yielding renewed expansion in any of these objects? Is there a critical point at which these infintesimally low probability occurences necessarily happen due to the continued addition of mass?
Most of the above is just speculation from someone who doesnt know nearly enough about these matters. Nonetheless, it seems the nature of this relationship - the cosmological coupling of black holes to expansion rate - may provide some very insightful avenues for continued research if the signal proves to represent an actual physical phenomenon.
[deleted] t1_j8q2ts0 wrote
jcpmojo t1_j8q31pj wrote
That was the very nicest way I could describe her; there are many less nice, and more accurate, ways I can think of.
AdminsFuckedMeAgain t1_j8q3ajf wrote
To be fair, it’s referenced as that in the article as well
Hydraskull t1_j8q4j04 wrote
I failed at making a joke. Thought her show was called “Grace Under Fire” but that was actually the name of a bad 90s sitcom by a different woman named Grace (not Nancy Grace). I agree with you on Nancy Grace tv lady
Embarrassed_Bat6101 t1_j8q55ki wrote
This is a highly unfortunate coincidence.
[deleted] t1_j8q8ezu wrote
nize426 t1_j8qbe17 wrote
Her name is Nancy Roman. Grace is her middle name.
invaderzim257 t1_j8qbyme wrote
why not just call it Nancy Roman? Everyone’s gonna think it’s a telescope named after Nancy Grace that was conceptualized and developed in Rome.
KommandoKodiak t1_j8qdua5 wrote
I just came to say can we just call it the nancy roman teleacope so we dont have to endure "tot mom" flashbacks
Limos42 t1_j8qez0n wrote
>just speculation from someone who doesnt know nearly enough about these matters
Well, I know I couldn't have put those sentences together, so you've got me beat!
sg3niner t1_j8qfyiz wrote
Astronomers, not astrologists.
[deleted] t1_j8qhief wrote
Arthurs-towel42 t1_j8qiloj wrote
Neil deGrasse Tyson is that you? But yes, thank you for the correction.
Code_Operator t1_j8qkwgt wrote
The mirror is 1 of 2 donated to NASA from the NRO, intended for use in spy satellites.
Decronym t1_j8qlzpl wrote
Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:
|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |JWST|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope| |NRHO|Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit| |NRO|(US) National Reconnaissance Office| | |Near-Rectilinear Orbit, see NRHO|
^(2 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 15 acronyms.)
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jcpmojo t1_j8qogtm wrote
I was trying to figure out how the TV showed was related. I thought I was missing something.
Xaqv t1_j8qpjy6 wrote
Accretes the question : Is the boundary between cosmological space/time expansion and metaphysical speculation decreasing or not?
Darklord_Bravo t1_j8qriro wrote
Can't they just call it the N. Grace Roman Space Telescope? Or even just Nancy G. Roman Space Telescope?
Because all I can think of is that horrible horrible TV woman, sadly.
SganarelleBard t1_j8qrqkn wrote
50 Dachma a week?
PickleJesus123 t1_j8qzxjf wrote
The thing that bothers me is that they never "go back to the drawing board" and instead choose to "tweak the current theory" x500 times. Doesn't seem very scientific, and reminds me of Luminiferous Aether or Quintessence. The descendants of those 16th century scientists are still marching around waving their hands, they just wear a different style of hat now
mmss t1_j8r3fk6 wrote
For the record, Grace Under Fire starred Brett Butler as a character named Grace.
I-tell-you-hwat t1_j8r7o4z wrote
They can’t do anything more with dark energy until it is “found/discovered”
It’s just a hypothesis because they know there is something there that’s doing something about the expansion. Until dark energy, whatever it may actually be, is found it is just a sort of variable in a math equation.
slickhedstrong t1_j8ramfk wrote
can we name these after all seeing mythical figures yet, rather than accidentally including fox newscasters who happen to be part of the scientist's name
LunchboxRoyale t1_j8rbej8 wrote
I thank you for clarifying-I thought it was named Nancy Grace because of the “dark energy” part xD
ChumpSucky t1_j8rc9f3 wrote
is the telescope an angry racist drunk?
you know the stars in that neighborhood are up to no good!
cedenof10 t1_j8rdf28 wrote
a copy of a Greek Telescope
olddoglearnsnewtrick t1_j8rh5j7 wrote
Saying a very grateful ciao from Rome , Italy. Is it made out of marble? ;)
big_sugi t1_j8rolni wrote
“Why should I have to change my name??? She’s the one that sucks!”
Shaneypants t1_j8rs18q wrote
Tucker, we present to you the Tucker Carlson Center for Warm Weather Smarts and Stopping Yucky Germies.
Tucker, doing his little furrowed brow frowny face: "What is this? A center for ants?"
[deleted] t1_j8rseh2 wrote
Starlight_XPress t1_j8rzivb wrote
She’s awesome!! Story here
madscot63 t1_j8s1w1w wrote
I was imagining her voice doing voice overs. <<chills>>
[deleted] t1_j8s3c5b wrote
[deleted] t1_j8s5vtt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8s6ph7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8sruox wrote
Kitsunisan t1_j8swn4u wrote
Thank you, this is why I clicked on the thread.
[deleted] t1_j8sx9nb wrote
GayCyberpunkBowser t1_j8sxaqo wrote
“Set to launch around 2026 or 2027”
That’s coming up pretty soon!
WorstHyperboleEver t1_j8sz0w0 wrote
So you’re saying we SHOULDN’T honor one of the most influential people in the history of NASA because her name is similar to someone else’s name? That’s her name, and it should be used as she wished to be called. context is enough to make it clear who is being honored.
[deleted] t1_j8sz36u wrote
pastafallujah t1_j8szcvr wrote
I dated a girl once, she was going to school to become a forensic astrologist....
slickhedstrong t1_j8t8hcs wrote
we should call these things heimdall array or the Horus satellite or the Panoptescope and not run the risk of later finding out that webb was a racist or that nancy grace roman supported something, especially when our entire era is going to be seen as complicit in asian child labor the way we see everyone in the past as complicit is slavery or systemic misogyny and shit.
the hermes orbiting mirror, what a romantic name for something.
nickkangistheman t1_j8tgp56 wrote
Dark energy is caused by super massive blackholes in the center of galaxies
WaycoKid1129 t1_j8tozna wrote
The Nancy regan telescope will suck in more light than any other before it
ElReptil t1_j8tyikx wrote
There are lots of people going back to the drawing board every day, but so far none of them have found a better model than Lambda-CDM. Certainly not for lack of trying, though.
Saintious t1_j8tykcl wrote
I agree completely. I'm sure you are awesome. That terrible woman set the bar so low for anyone with your name. Don't change a thing.
[deleted] t1_j8u2zqn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8udjnn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8uv42y wrote
MSW_21 t1_j8v62i4 wrote
Most people do already call it the aromas space telescope- that’s what all their merch says at least
MSW_21 t1_j8v65hn wrote
Most people just refer it as the Roman Space Telescope
microphohn t1_j8x6tgh wrote
The only thing Nancy Grace should have named after her is a form of torture equivalent to watching her reprehensible show.
jcpmojo t1_j8xjyt9 wrote
Watching her show would be the worst kind of torture. I think it was specifically called out in the Geneva Convention as being too inhumane.
[deleted] t1_j8xmumj wrote
Tainticle t1_j8y5ryy wrote
I hate to be 'that guy', but:
Dark matter and dark energy are completely different, and from my layman's understanding - having opposite effects.
Dark matter (DM) is used to explain excess gravity observed in the universe - an attractive force.
Dark Energy is used to explain the observed accelerating expansion of the universe - a 'repulsive' force (not technically true, but observationally convenient phrasing).
Black holes are postulated to be possibly connected to the dark energy thing.
Upvoted for Ace Ventura reference.
[deleted] t1_j8y5zl6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8o5uk9 wrote