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KamikazeArchon t1_j8m1sni wrote

"Professional criminals" as you're describing them virtually don't exist. They're a vanishingly small percentage.

Every criminal empire or organization of the kind you've described is heavily reliant on the rank-and-file, who barely get paid anything. You can't build a criminal organization that pays well; it simply does not work as a financial structure.

For every one high-rolling "mafioso" who can afford sports cars and penthouses, there are a hundred or a thousand street dealers and low-level thieves who probably make less than minimum wage.

The high-roller can maybe afford to go to space. The thousand street dealers cannot. And the high-roller, separated from the thousand street dealers supporting him, is just a guy in a fancy coat with a nice watch.

The kind of criminal enterprise you might get in space is white-collar criminality. Yakuza in space isn't likely, but Enron in space is.