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Merky600 t1_ja8s1yx wrote

I’ve had some really good experiences seeing meteors. To me they’re like “Lady Luck”. If I went out expecting a meteor, nada. Standing around w friends? Suddenly, “Wowdidyouseethat?”

Saw one in the 80s that lit the sky blue. Pine trees were green. That was reported on the Radio news. Someone called in thinking the Soviets nuked the Southwest.

Buddies and I saw one that left a smoking trail in the sky. HS Astronomy club. A lot of “Aw Man! No Way!” Then there was a fight over binoculars.

Craziest experience was w my wacky cousin canoeing a river in Northern Minnesota at night. We were supposed to leave at noon but he wasn’t good at planning. So in the dark AuGust night we paddled. So dark the stars shown w colors. Looking down I could see shooting stars in the reflection on the water.

So serene. So special.

Until we canoed right into a drifting muskrat. Then we all freaked out.