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kindadaft t1_j9jlh50 wrote

The false vacuum thing. I don’t really understand it.


Andromeda321 t1_j9jwi99 wrote

Astronomer here! “The false vacuum thing” is a scientific hypothesis that our universe is actually in a false phase state as part of a larger universe, like if it were in a temporary thing (think the real universe is a pot of boiling water, and we are just within a bubble forming at the bottom of the pot). Eventually however that false vacuum has to pop- yes, even after billions of years in this false state!- and we and everything we know in our visible universe will disappear in an instant with no warning whatsoever and there's nothing you can do about it.

Sweet dreams!


gottahavewine t1_j9jy2zz wrote

Well, there are much worse ways to go!


TheCowzgomooz t1_j9k1iz9 wrote

This was for real my thought. I was like "That's it? That's the theory? That sounds a rather peaceful way to go." There's no need to fear something we have no way of predicting much less knowing if it's even true.


brit_motown t1_j9k64oh wrote

Yes like the coming of the great white handkerchief


Verksin t1_j9kpsue wrote

i love it i love how outlandish this is

its not boring


Rustyducktape t1_j9jpl13 wrote

Yes! Couldn't remember what the heck it was called, was trying to search online to find what it was haha, then was like wait its probably already commented somewhere here. I also don't fully grasp the idea, which definitely adds to the scariness haha. Not something I worry about, but definitely one of those things that makes you shiver a bit when reading about it.

As for actual objects we know about, I'd say pulsars as they're just giant death rays lol.