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jiraiya_myoboku OP t1_j9hu48d wrote

damn u right i gotta broaden my horizons


_Abe_Froman_SKOC t1_j9huy45 wrote

So, quick story, I was a UAV operator for 14 years. I spent five years flying for the Army and the rest as a contractor. Anyway, I used to fly with a guy that absolutely hated our job. Eventually he got so fed up with it that he sold his house and moved to bumf**k Texas to get his A&P license to become an airplane mechanic.

His first job out of A&P school? Reassembling Falcon 9 rockets for SpaceX.

You just never know where life is going to take you. Just enjoy the ride.


beiman t1_j9imwqn wrote

Take this with a grain of salt, but I worked for JPL/NASA as an electrical engineer and I failed math 3 times in college. Unless you decide to go the PhD route and do alot of R&D for them, anything beyond Calc 2 is overkill.
It was the best job I ever had, and the only reason I do not work there now is because I was a contractor and I ran out of full time work from them, so had to move jobs.


TheLit420 t1_j9jg3nk wrote

Become the drug dealer for NASA engineers. I hear they really really like stimulants.