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I_Heart_Astronomy t1_jdav8b4 wrote

All the friends, family, and coworkers who know I'm into astronomy always say "are you looking forward to X?" when they hear something in the news, and I always say that there's a 95% chance it will be cloudy, so not really.

You know comet NEOWISE? Never had a single clear, moonless night when it was around. Not a single one. Most significant comet since Hale-Bopp and not a single clear night to see it at its peak. I got to see C/2022 E3 (ZTF) (the most recent notable comet) but it was nowhere near the brightness level that NEOWISE or Hale-Bopp reached. It was only just barely naked-eye. Because it was mediocre, it was clear. Had it been spectacular, it would have been cloudy.

I have been into amateur astronomy since I was a kid, and have NEVER witnessed a meteor shower at its peak time because of either the moon or clouds. That's 25 years of religiously observing the night sky and not ONCE have I had skies that were clear and moonless during the peak of a meteor shower.

So I just go out and observe when the conditions are good and I don't pay much attention to astronomical events.


ShelZuuz t1_jdb9q48 wrote

Just wait until you order new Astro equipment. The week while it ships you'll have perfectly clear skies.

The day it arrives - record cloudy days for 30 straight days - just enough to extend beyond your new equipment's return window.


me2 t1_jdbibii wrote

I felt the pain in your words.


HeroicPrinny t1_jdbx7aw wrote

It sounds like you live in a place that’s cloudy a lot.

I do too, but several hours drive to the other side of the mountains and its clear with dark skies. I was lucky to be on a road trip on that side during neowise and got some nice photos.