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NotMalaysiaRichard t1_jd6roem wrote

A small stellar sized black hole would be on the order of at least 3 solar masses. It would mean that we were part of a binary system with a supernova or somehow the solar system captured a rogue black hole. I’m not an astrophysicist but I‘m not sure what the orbital dynamics of that scenario would entail. I’m assuming you’re actually referring to a primordial black hole, something formed during the Big Bang, which could theoretically have smaller masses?


SaltyDangerHands t1_jd8f7q4 wrote

I mean, it's not my theory, I'm most certainly not an astrophysicist either, so it could well be a primordial one, sure. I think the documentary in which I saw it mentioned, and I couldn't tell you the name, they're my background noise, the idea that it was captured as opposed to native to our solar system.