Gravelsack t1_jeegf3x wrote
Reply to comment by ejolson in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
>I thought cows were spherical
Actually, a cow is a torus
get_schwifty t1_jeexwvr wrote
Dude… this comment is tragically underappreciated.
IAmBadAtInternet t1_jef4vcx wrote
First, assume a spherical toroidal cow.
[deleted] t1_jeettbo wrote
rocketeerH t1_jeezx65 wrote
Wait is that a word outside of The Fifth Season?!
awfullotofocelots t1_jefc74f wrote
It's the geometric/topological term for a donut or tube shape.
rocketeerH t1_jefdbba wrote
Awesome! I’ve read the series twice and thought it was a made up word like Orogene. I imagined it as just a circle. This makes so much more sense, since the Orogenes generally did not freeze themselves to death. Assumed they were just immune to the power of their own torus
awfullotofocelots t1_jefe6f6 wrote
I don't know how to else break it to you, but orogene isn't totally made up either.
rocketeerH t1_jefea6x wrote
Holy shit this is amazing, thanks!
[deleted] t1_jef8x60 wrote
[deleted] t1_jefefr4 wrote
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