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mikemil828 t1_je2jwhc wrote

Counter-point: Who would want to relocate to Alabama if they are already living in Colorado?


count023 t1_je431g5 wrote

and you have to draw them away from all that deep space radar telemetry to boot. Not an easy sell.


[deleted] t1_je4r41j wrote

Well we did have many thousands move here in a few years for FBI, various other government agencies that dont say what they do, they love it. Not to mention that USSC will be nowhere near the largest player in their own field here.

Thats the point im getting at. Everyone else is already here, them being in Colorado is a waste of resources long term. Engineers LOVE Huntsville because of CRP and RA, you can get a different job in 2 days working on damn near anything you want to work on. Its cheap, good neighborhoods, and plenty of work. Colorado has... good weather, pretty mountains, and better traffic.

Look up Cummings Research Park. Colorado is not the place to be, with or without NORAD or proximity to deep space radar.


July_is_cool t1_je5ylkr wrote

When they tried to move the MDA headquarters to Huntsville it was a disaster.


[deleted] t1_je63mm1 wrote

Everything I've heard about MDA is in general a disaster, I don't think it was the move though.

Everyone seems incredibly toxic and its just asses in seats mentality.
