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jpo234 t1_jdqjyr2 wrote

Since you are inventing your own laws of physics (It transmits everything instantly through some quantum concept), you can do whatever you want.


AGARAN24 OP t1_jdqlda7 wrote

I read an article long back, regarding quantum entanglement, where scientists have used it to transfer data instantly and hypothesized it can be developed to transfer more data between edges of space instantly. I am no scientist, this is just what I read online which led me to this thought.


Aezon22 t1_jdqna4x wrote

Quantum entanglement is, basically, putting a red card and a blue card in two envelopes, then randomly mailing one of them somewhere. Now you open yours. If you have red, you know the other is blue, and vice versa. It is not and will never be faster than light communication.