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pmMeAllofIt t1_jdeoioz wrote

It's impossible to 100% 3D print one. Alot of that weight is in things like electrical cables, computer components, rubbers, and fasteners and fittings.

That 85-90% is all the main component mass. That's impressive.


cjameshuff t1_jdf28us wrote

I'm not the one saying it's feasable, reasonable, or even desirable to 3D print 100% of a rocket, that's Relativity.


pmMeAllofIt t1_jdhlw78 wrote

Uh, theyre not saying that. Their eventual goal is 95%. That means they only have to shed about a ton off, but none of that will really lower the part count much-which is there first goal(which suceeded). They made a rocket with 100x fewer parts than others and you're calling it a failure. Lol