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Due_Menu_893 t1_jcuj65l wrote

That's beautiful. I wonder, are there more artists who have their art on other worlds?


ergzay t1_jcvs0yx wrote

Note: This was placed as a private agreement between the artist and the astronauts and then later tried to claim that the agreement was different than what the astronauts claimed and he tried to later profit off of it and sell 950 copies of the statue.

From wikipedia:

> The crew kept the memorial's existence a secret until after completion of their mission. After public disclosure, the National Air and Space Museum requested a replica of the statue. Controversy soon followed, as Van Hoeydonck claimed a different understanding of the agreement made with the astronauts and attempted to sell up to 950 copies of the statue. He finally relented under pressure from NASA, which had a strict policy against commercial exploitation of the US government space program.


AlbaneseGummies327 OP t1_jcuweym wrote

Not that I know of.


benzoe590 t1_jcvn5g6 wrote

There’s one other one that comes to mind, that being the “Moon Museum”. It’s a ceramic wafer about an inch wide, and is believed to have been hidden in the gold blanketing of Apollo 12’s lander legs.

A couple prominent artists were featured on it including Andy Warhol.



mrgreenw t1_jcvvh1a wrote

Elon launched a Tesla into space if that counts


Bipogram t1_jcz5s2w wrote

Not quite in the same vein, but there are graffiti in various places:

And, I'm told, on a PCB of Beagle2's avionics there's "We come in pieces".

<such trenchant wit>