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ImpulseAfterthought t1_jc7c2ol wrote

Another problem already solved in Kerbal Space Program. ;)

Seriously, though, this is a fascinating subject. So many complexities to consider.


ErikTheAngry t1_jc7jume wrote

In KSP I always just promoted my LKO stations to solar orbits. Never look back, you're not going that way. Always burn forward.

It's a good thing stock Kerbals don't need to eat.


mrscott197xv1k t1_jc7n7tl wrote

I was thinking of ksp also.

After a few high speed orbital collisions I build alot of de orbit tugs to keep things clean up there.


sometimes-wondering t1_jc82avp wrote

Dont bring your boosters to orbit and leave your interplanetary stage in a solar orbit


mrscott197xv1k t1_jc82rci wrote

Boosters yes unless my calcs are off, usually more transfer stages.


saggywitchtits t1_jc8hk1c wrote

I’m really good at getting into orbit in KSP, getting the Kerbals back alive however…