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Brangur t1_jbky8fk wrote

I know it's naive, but here's an idea. Stop doing war. Trillions of dollars now open to space mining


solidcordon t1_jbl1lsc wrote

Well it's an admirable sentiment but we cannot permit our enemies to control space resources because we want those resources.


PresentAd3536 t1_jbl38yf wrote

How about we stop viewing others as Enemies and use diplomacy to find ways to work together?


solidcordon t1_jbl3o2v wrote

An admirable sentiment. Would you like to propose this to Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping?


tanrgith t1_jblbcbc wrote

Genuine question - are you trolling?

Like, how does someone write that post with a straight face while the war in Ukraine is happening


bookers555 t1_jbmli87 wrote

This sub as a whole has the extremely naive idea that war can't happen in space and that Earth must become a utopia or we won't go anywhere.


PresentAd3536 t1_jbn8guq wrote

I think it's important to use diplomatic measures first, and violence only when there is no other alternative. Right now, there are over 7 billion people on the planet and over 5 billion of us live in non-conflict zones, and few countries are actually currently at war. Russia has had massive sanctions and is feeling the bite, with more being enacted to this day.


tanrgith t1_jbolcgj wrote

You know what is also making Russia feel the bite? All the western ammunition and equipment that Ukraine is using to defend itself from the Russian invaders that's been raping women, kidnapping children, and committing genocide for the last year


PresentAd3536 t1_jbpp8hz wrote

Fair enough. Personally, I am appalled at what Putin has done, and also by the Republicans that advocate against supporting the Ukraine.


Bensemus t1_jbqgglb wrote

Germany tried to avoid conflict with Russia by trading with it. The hope was that the economic repunctuations would make war too expensive. That didn't' work.

With China trade does seem to be preventing any conflict but people aren't confident that it will hold forever. China is illegally building islands in the South China Sea to claim resource rich waters as theirs and are ignoring the legitimate claims from the countries around the sea.

The spy balloon also damaged political relationships between China and the US.

I'm not saying the US's way is right. I would however argue their way is more right that what China and Russia seem to want.


JoeDannyMan t1_jblg6a0 wrote

by golly you've solved the war question. Someone get this person on the phone with Joe Biden, stat


Anderopolis t1_jbljh6e wrote

Are you for real?


LaunchTransient t1_jbltgh6 wrote

There are some who believe that China's aggressive expansionism and Russia's revanchism is merely a difference of opinion and that actually all that is needed is a sit down around a table and talk it out.

It's a noble, if naive, sentiment, but not one rooted in reality.

That said, we need to keep conflict out of space as much as possible. It would be all too easy to render our orbital environment hostile to all space endeavours because of flaring tempers - and this would be a burden to bear for centuries.


Anderopolis t1_jbljdfz wrote

Genius, now we only need to get all the other guys onboard.

Let me check, China, Russia,India, France...

Yeah, no problems there.


Figure-Feisty t1_jbltfa9 wrote

the people thinking about this "space war" are people that won't fight the war or don't share the trillions on mining asteroids.
