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TransporterError t1_jdx10le wrote

Of course, there's no atmosphere (any longer)!

The aliens already utilized its precious gaseous elements for the construction of their righteous Dyson swarm.


iwoodificood t1_jdx3o2s wrote

Why bother with a dyson swarm when you can get perfect utilization of energy with an antimatter engine.


Anderopolis t1_jdxt1fr wrote

You need energy to create anti matter, it is essentially a really Fanny battery.


Laxziy t1_jdxh9zo wrote

Can’t mine antimatter. You need to use energy to create it and stars give off a whole lot of energy just sitting there for free so you might as well capture some of it to store as antimatter and use the leftover energy to run everything else


Apostastrophe t1_jeepz5v wrote

Antimatter is an excellent power source but think of it more like a battery, or an energy storage device than providing energy in and of itself.

You can collect some from radiation belts if you have efficient enough facilities, but your best way to create antimatter would be to have something like a dyson swarm collecting lots of solar energy to run a type of particle accelerator and continually collect the small amounts of antimatter it creates for storage.

Then you use the antimatter as an extremely energy dense and efficient portable energy source for things like space ships or deep space space stations in combination with fusion reactors.


iwoodificood t1_jefm6jl wrote

Thanks for the explanation, those are super cool ideas. To an extent, my original comment was in jest, as I really find the guesswork of how future technology will evolve to be quite bold. The assumptions we make of them seems a bit much.