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threebillion6 t1_jcfln4u wrote

Either nothing, itself expanding is creating the space, or it's looping back on itself. Humans will probably never know.


YourFatherUnfiltered t1_jcfm1am wrote

When it comes to questions like this, your guess is as good as everyone elses... well i mean to an extent. Ive seen some pretty terrible guesses.


Infernalism t1_jcfmg3s wrote

Okay, so.

Take a balloon, uninflated, and take a marker and put a bunch of dots onto the outside of the balloon.

Each dot represents a galaxy. Put as many dots as you can onto the balloon.

Now, blow it up.

Notice how the dots are spreading away from each other even though they're not moving?

That's the universe. The universe itself is expanding like a balloon, and the galaxies are moving apart from each other.

The galaxies stay together as galaxies due to something to do with dark matter that we don't yet understand.


Squiggin1321 t1_jcfjmza wrote

We don’t really know. With our current technology we can only see so far. I commonly see the theory of its expanding into nothing, represented by a white void.