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Don_T_Blink t1_itli0bc wrote

How much light pollution do you get where you live?

Start with the moon, the four visible planets. They are visible everywhere. If it gets really dark where you live, you can try to find Andromeda galaxy and star clusters.


Dangerous-Kitchen149 OP t1_itlibru wrote

It’s very dark where I am. Not even street lights. I live in rural Tennessee far, far from town. It’s the reason I got the telescope. I’m the only house In the middle of a field 15 miles from town 😊 would the app that I have that guides me to the constellations help or are those apps bullshit?


Don_T_Blink t1_itlinef wrote

The apps work fine if your phone has a build-in GPS. You could also just buy a book.

The planets change positions, so you can look up online when they are visible.


Dangerous-Kitchen149 OP t1_itliq22 wrote

Thanks so much man! Very helpful


MrElendig t1_itljxsv wrote is nice for finding out what you can watch when from your location.


Dangerous-Kitchen149 OP t1_itlk764 wrote

Awesome I’ll try it. Thanks. I took it outside and I’ve been staring at the sun for about 3 hours. Nothing interesting yet I’ll report back when something cool happens.