J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubcd4k wrote
Here is some of my best planetary work this year put together in this collage. They're not 1:1 scale, but this is their apparent size when viewed from Earth at 5400mm with a 10 inch telescope (except for Uranus and Neptune, I upscaled those by 200% for aesthetic purposes). From left to right: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. All imaged in RGB except for Uranus which is (R)RGB using a 610nm filter to bring out the polar cap, and Mercury and Venus used IR data as well with 807nm filter. To take these images I used my Skywatcher 10" GoTo Dobsonian, X-Cel 3x barlow, ZWO ADC, and ASI178 camera + filters. As well as a variety of software: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, Registax/AstroSurface, and GIMP.
May-Eat-A-Pizza t1_iube0gh wrote
Perhaps one day you can travel with your telescope to a planet to add earth to your collection.
hpatrick1982 t1_iubgliq wrote
Beautiful, I’m just waiting for the first person to say “Where’s Earth”😂
Edit: My wife was the first person…and she’s a doctor y’all.
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubgsgv wrote
Lmao don't even get me started
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubgwew wrote
It's a 10 inch GoTo Dobsonian, and I have yet to see any UFOs but I see tiny satellites flying by all the time :)
TheLeopardColony t1_iubi9il wrote
Only if they have cheese, otherwise Jerry staying firmly on Earth.
Rhodog1234 t1_iubifoc wrote
Came to the comments for this !
justinlav t1_iubkaly wrote
I love your Mars pic!! Thanks for sharing
Ill_Coast9337 t1_iubkmn9 wrote
Good job, this is beautiful! Do you mind sharing your setup? I plan to do the same one day and wanted have an idea of pricing, etc.
Florida2000 t1_iublbm6 wrote
Your presentation is spot on. I mean it would have been easy to stick it in a grid but I love what you did.......
Florida2000 t1_iublfbg wrote
In fact I'm gonna borrow this for my wallpaper if that's cool?
JimmyJazz1971 t1_iubmes8 wrote
I've never seen Uranus look so sharp. I've always found it to be very fuzzy like Neptune through the eyepiece. I've never tried to image it, though.
Redbelly98 t1_iubn6u6 wrote
Nice! Was going to ask if they were all at the same magnification. Thanks for clarifying.
[deleted] t1_iubrh2w wrote
Pura_vidas t1_iubs0dj wrote
Why do we even have nasa, when we have you?!? Amazing shots!
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubssqy wrote
Sure! Go for it :)
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubt6ys wrote
Thanks! And sure, here's my setup: a Skywatcher 10" GoTo Dob, x-cel 2x/3x barlow, zwo adc, and an asi178mc camera + uv ir cut, 610nm, and 807nm filters.
ChubbyWanKenobie t1_iubvh87 wrote
I can't believe what is possible with home rigs. Fantastic images. I have to keep scrolling up to see if I really saw what I thought I did.
vendetta0311 t1_iubx09n wrote
Ah, now I see. The planets are all lined up. No wonder everything is going to shit.
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubxot0 wrote
Thank you :)
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iubxtqe wrote
Lol thanks :)
[deleted] t1_iuby9x0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iubyp3d wrote
DOCKTORCOKTOR t1_iubyz3n wrote
I don’t see earth there, lame…
Ps: this is actually really awesome
[deleted] t1_iuc61n8 wrote
dolphin37 t1_iuc7od7 wrote
I love how fake they look. Like 3rd rock from the sun but in real life
zulamun t1_iuc9mpt wrote
I almost asked where is Pluto... and then I got sad remembering.
machines_breathe t1_iucanto wrote
All of those planets can fit inside of the space between earth and the moon’s orbit.
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iucaxu1 wrote
Yeah! Seeing them with your own eyes is a trip :)
Jazlen8888 t1_iuccdme wrote
So cool! Saturn looks so nice.
Years ago I took Astronomy. I had to go to 2 observatory at the time I got to look in one the telescopes saw Jupiter and it’s four moons. It was amazing. Jupiter looks awesome
Splatacus t1_iuccgwa wrote
Fuzzy…now I can’t unsee that
Dr_Darkroom t1_iucfpw9 wrote
Dang, they should put a mirror in orbit so people like yourself can get a shot of Earth! That would be something.
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iucgf5o wrote
Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea lol
That would have to be a pretty big mirror, I think
Few_Carpenter_9185 t1_iuchgk9 wrote
OP could have just pointed the telescope down at their shoes or something.
Well, probably not with a Dob. And focus would be impossible.
Just a basic smartphone pic of the shoes in grass or whatever, cropped into a circle just a smidge bigger than Venus would have been funny.
[deleted] t1_iuchn5g wrote
SjoerdL t1_iucios8 wrote
The background is black because thats his picture of the telescope pointed down.
Nomsaa t1_iucj1j9 wrote
what eyepieces did you use? nevermind I see your post further down.
Parker4815 t1_iucj27i wrote
Take a selfie with yourself on the toilet. That's the best representation of Earth.
iLikeVideoGamesAndYT t1_iucj30n wrote
Lucky for him, the moon has plenty of cheese, and you cam see the Erath clearly from there.
DeezMFNutsLOL t1_iucjug8 wrote
Wow impressive how you got that close to those planets
Few_Carpenter_9185 t1_iucjv2j wrote
If you're old enough you may remember the last big syzygy (what a weird-ass word... Greek, makes sense.) in 1982 that was supposed to cause massive earthquakes and disruption on Earth, geomagnetic storms etc.
Made famous by the schlock-science book "The Jupiter Effect" published in 1974.
I guess "Jupiter Effect" because it has the most mass. And sounded good as a book title.
The gravitational pull of all the planets on one side of the sun would raise storms, CME's etc. alter the weather just enough to place a tiny amount of stress on the angular momentum of Earth's rotation, and set off the San Andreas fault etc.
Made for good fodder on slow news days leading up to the big day in 1982. I guess WWIII with the Soviets breaking out on any given day wasn't good enough. Nor was the creepy Leonard Nimoy voiceover on "In Search Of:" re-runs warning about the killer bees coming up from Mexico.
Honestly, the fast and dramatic stuff like the Jupiter Effect, WWIII, and killer bee swarms seemed preferable to the more mundane slow grind of starvation through overpopulation when the world passed 5 billion, and freezing in the next ice-age that was coming, while OPEC refused to sell oil to the U.S. etc., that media and pop-culture drilled into kids heads through the decade prior.
Hell, ABC "Schoolhouse Rock" was trying to subtly prepare us kids for the inevitable post-meat futue with "Beans and Rice is Nice". At least until we hit the final wall in the terminal Soylent Green phase of industrialized second-hand cannibalism, in the far-flung futue of 2022...
Ahh... the 80's. Good times.
Few_Carpenter_9185 t1_iucjyng wrote
Except for vampires.
Really the last minority it's okay to discriminate against.
JustVega t1_iuck7p0 wrote
Space is one of those things that humbles me as an insignificant life form just going about. The vastness and distances between our planet and stars or other planets is insane. There’s so much out there and for me I’d want to see it if I could. One of my favorite dreams was one that started off scary then filled me with awe and calm. Weightless in a shuttle looking out seeing the earth with that dark backdrop. One of those dreams i never wanted to end.
Oh cool pictures/collage. Sorry I got rambling lol
JasonWalton1918 t1_iucnpqn wrote
That's a good cam to zoom in enough to see Erath Winery in Oregon. I think OP wants the entire planet that winery exists on, though.
tallerthannobody t1_iucnruf wrote
My dumbass was going to say: why haven’t you taken the earth in picture ?
spiritualshorty t1_iucohey wrote
The title of this post is so wholesome - I'm going to put it on my fridge, sweetie!
iamafraazhussain t1_iucooet wrote
Dont mind me, I'm just looking for that one comment searching for earth's pic
icbint t1_iucp57w wrote
Doctor of missing the bloomin obvious
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iucqft9 wrote
It has a little typo, you'll notice it if you read it slowly. But either way that's awesome!
VitorMM t1_iuctuaj wrote
Well, in my case I was born in 1993 xD
Tbh, I was just quoting the movie "Hercules"
kawaiismaug t1_iuctveb wrote
Great photos! Stupid me was frowning at the picture for a few second thinking why you would not include the earth lol.
xaniv t1_iucx0tz wrote
Let's send a mirror to the moon
omnichronos t1_iud18kz wrote
When I was a kid in the early '70s, these would have rivaled the best available photos.
Aggravating_Ease9232 t1_iud1b8h wrote
Everybody reading this checking OPs name..
[deleted] t1_iud2t5s wrote
No joke, I looked at this picture for way long thinking “but one is missing” because it’s too early and I’m half asleep.
kinda_hansolo t1_iud6bfm wrote
Why you didn't scope the Earth 🤣🤣 You should finish this collection asap bro.
Few_Carpenter_9185 t1_iud6vf0 wrote
There is only one Hercules...
MedPhys90 t1_iud7b3d wrote
Imagine not believing in God after seeing this. And you’re right it is beautiful.
MedPhys90 t1_iud7m4i wrote
Pluto is still a planet. I don’t care what anyone says.
interesseret t1_iud9k16 wrote
it would be a fantastic joke to just have a square picture of some dirt where the earth should be
FutureMartian97 t1_iudgcb3 wrote
Amazing. What program did you use to stack the frames when shooting every planet?
NoMos_lol t1_iudiyku wrote
Where Pluto? What happened to Pluto?
zulamun t1_iudj5xd wrote
Got demoted to dwarf planet about 10 years ago.
[deleted] t1_iudjkpk wrote
CalIMeJosh t1_iudox5a wrote
look down, you can see it all year round, couldn’t stop noticing once o first saw it
[deleted] t1_iudp0bo wrote
FerryAce t1_iue3bbs wrote
Ikr. Idk why some people are discriminating against Earthlings and refuse to take pictures of our beautiful planet.
VladPatton t1_iue84d1 wrote
Stop breaking his balls. He got all the planets to line up like that and you mofos still aren’t happy!
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iue88wf wrote
I used Sharpcap to shoot the videos and then AutoStakkert to stack the best frames :)
mgerics t1_iuhqo2p wrote
oh, i understandfully their aversion to EarthLINGS, just not what's left of this beautiful planet...
StickyNode t1_iuhydhk wrote
The crescent uranus is interesting havent seen that before
Snoo_95743 t1_iui04tt wrote
Beautiful bro. I want to get a decent scope but there are so many and I don't know enough about them. Been hooked on space since I say Hailey's comet when I was s young kid. 43 now but still only gonna see that one once in a lifetime.
WeirdNecessary2912 t1_iuiypk6 wrote
Can you tell me exact cost for buying a telescope and camera to get such stunning photos?
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iuk9twr wrote
Get an apertura AD8 dobsonian or ad12 if you're looking for something bigger; they are cheap and easy to use. Using a sky chart or Stellarium app will help you locate objects. It ain't GoTo (motorized) so you'll have to point it by hand, but it will give you some unforgettable views of the planets, and under truly dark skies you can even make out spiral arms of some galaxies and some of the brighter nebula
J3RRYLIKESCHEESE OP t1_iuka6xj wrote
I'd say around $2500 USD. Telescope is around 1700, camera is 250 and other accessories will be another 300-400
[deleted] t1_iubccys wrote