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jeremy-o t1_iu69ceh wrote

You're an awesome uncle. Sometimes it's scary how bad ideas about gender creep in through media, but being proactive helps. Thanks for sharing!


BisquitTheClown t1_iu69nmc wrote

If it wasn't for women we would have never landed on the moon


SuppiluliumaX t1_iu69r5x wrote

Nice work! You could put in Katherine Johnson too, who contributed massively to the Apollo space program by calculating trajectories for moon voyages


Chronova-Engineering t1_iu6a3gk wrote

Female scientist here - thank you for reminding your niece and the world that we exist and have always existed!


LaunchTransient t1_iu6a5bf wrote

There's so many. The calculator departments alone could fill rafts of phonebooks.
Fortunately there's a wake up going on where these historical figures are now being recognised for what they did, but sadly we can't get them all (in the sense that many were never recognised for their achievements or they were coopted by a male coworker).


Jcampbell1796 t1_iu6abr2 wrote

It’s Hedley Lamarr. Sorry couldn’t resist. Nice work!!


space-ModTeam t1_iu6bpwr wrote

Hello u/Shruberytheshrublock, your submission "Some female inventors and their contributions to science and space exploration. My niece is interested in space and told me that only boys can be scientists. Don't know where she got that idea, but I made this for her." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Images, GIFs and GIF-like videos are only allowed on Sunday (UTC+00).

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


Freespirit2023 t1_iu6bud7 wrote

You tell that young lady that she can be anything she wants! She could be a pioneer of Mars in the not too distant future...


Chronova-Engineering t1_iu6bven wrote

I really appreciate things like this. I’ve been to too many events or lectures about historical engineering - especially for aerospace - only to have a male speaker spend the entire talk referring to “the amazing blokes/guys/men” who worked on certain innovations. It might be true that their colleagues were all male back then but it’s really gutting when they don’t even try to make the female aspiring engineers in the audience feel included.


Erinmore t1_iu6ca1k wrote

But that's all olden days.

You should create another one with some current "girl" scientists. And along with the cartoon and blurb, you can include links to channels where your niece can interact with the real people.

Maybe have a Dr. Becky video on while you research who else to add.


npcomp42 t1_iu6cemu wrote

I'm having a hard time believing your claim that your niece said such a thing, given the prominence of female geniuses and scientists in the entertainment media. Black Panther, Black Adam, Jurassic Park, Contact, Avatar, Lost World, I Robot, Foundation, Thor, Interstellar, Prometheus, Gravity, and many, many more.


denisrennes t1_iu6e3td wrote

The Ada programming language was named after Ada Lovelace. Her first name is Ada. She wrote the first computer program, when the computer existed only in theory.


sqwishedsqwrl t1_iu6lm0x wrote

All these commenters in denial 😣 … Girls get that idea from boys who want to be scientists! My daughter was studying nanotechnology, the only woman in her classes, and told me horrific stories about the toxic environment that young men created there. Misogyny is alive and well, we’re not fucking post-THAT at all.

Edit to add there’s a whole documentary about misogyny in science on Netflix, called Picture a Scientist, check it out.