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astro_pettit OP t1_iuea18y wrote

Sun setting behind the ISS solar panels, captured on my previous mission in 2012. The sheet Kapton substrate for the thousands of individual solar cells produces the deep red-orange glow when illuminated at the proper sun angles. Captured with a Nikon D3s, 24mm f1.4 lens, f8, 200th sec, ISO 800.

More photos from the ISS can be found on my Instagram and Twitter.


Nocuadra66 t1_iuebtaw wrote

Wow! Amazing photos on your Instagram!


astro_pettit OP t1_iueebo5 wrote

Thank you; happy to share


Ani-A t1_iuia5us wrote

Wait shoot. You are the guy who was in a bunch of Destin's videos no? The hypoxia video where you were testing your ability to self correct hypoxia?


Timothy303 t1_iuezmgn wrote

I was gonna ask: are you an astronaut? How did you get that view! You are :)


AudioKitty t1_iuep893 wrote

Thank you for sharing this -- goosebumps.

Astronauts are superheros.


GeekyGarden t1_iugg49l wrote

Nice. It's amazing the wide use cases for kapton. I work in IT for a wholesale greenhouse and the environment inside the greenhouse is extremely rough on electronics (temperature extremes, dust, and moisture). We use loads of kapton tape as an extra layer of thermal and dust protection for sensor and relay boards. I'm working on an older greenhouse now where the controllers were installed 25 years ago. Amazingly, the company that makes the equipment keeps their software backwards compatible. It'll be running Windows 11 by the end of the week.

With the automation we use in our facilities from environmental controls, to water filtration and recycling, and massive amounts of robotics, it's not hard to imagine greenhouses on the moon or mars in a few decades. I think aeroponics is going to be a huge game changer for growing crops on lunar and martian outposts. I grow enough produce for my wife and I using an aeroponics tower that has a footprint of 4 square feet.


john_dune t1_iui6fg0 wrote

What's your home setup like for the aeroponics? Its something I'm interested in exploring.


Shintox t1_iufpyhx wrote

Amazing. Ty not only for the photo, but your service to humanity.


knox902 t1_iugouyt wrote

Did you have to do anything special with the camera to take it on a space walk? I can't imagine it would be easy to operate with an EVA suit on.


BarnyardCidery t1_iuh6uo7 wrote

Also your photos are incredible. Prob should have led with that.


dan_dares t1_iuhlw2x wrote

Every time I see one of your posts, I am amazed.

thank you, and thanks to everyone that lets you take these pictures and keeps what you do in the public eye.


ajwells007 t1_iuio01q wrote

Potential dumb question.. You had to be inside to take this image right? As in, the extreme effects of open space would destroy the camera?


bigbluealienPG t1_iuey7gi wrote

Are the dark patches just shadows from another pair of panels? I remember somthing about newer panels being just overlayed over the old ones and at first wondered if that was the case here, but I guess it's probably shadows.


GeekyGarden t1_iugge3f wrote

It's the next pair further out the truss. This photo was taken before the retrofit.


tilman2015 t1_iuh13iu wrote

Wow, amazing photographs!

I love the ISS and will reguarly have the EHDC feed running while I'm working.

Will manage to log a contact with NA1SS one day too!


BarnyardCidery t1_iuh6sm9 wrote

I ask this with all due respect: Is the reason you are now posting a 10 yr old image bc, like many of us underachieving schlubs, you just have stacks of sd cards you forgot about & ended up finding this one the other day? When you loaded up the file viewer were you like “Oh Sh** I thought I lost this in the Soyuz on my way home !” I’m not being sardonic or mean spirited or anything. I just think it’s a funny & humanizing scenario - that a f****** astronaut would forget about a full sd card like many of us do.
