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Dragmire_Afterlife t1_isti058 wrote

While I don't share the fear, I imagine it is a mix of the unfathomable size and the immense lack of knowledge we have of what is out there.


Sidoplanka t1_istv9g7 wrote

Our only place in it is right here, on earth. Being anywhere, except on earth, will kill you.


IamSparticles t1_isu662f wrote

Seems like a more appropriate question for r/askpsychology/


Fair_Permission_6825 t1_isuf3x6 wrote

Being face to face with a planet would drive me mad. It has to be the right distance though. Not Too close so id feel like im in the sky of it but far enough that i can bare witness to it in its entirety. That would leave me feeling hopelessly insignificant and id have a panic attack. A big part of it is there no gravity. Its like being in the ocean and you encounter a giant sea creature but times a billion


SpartanJack17 t1_isvhoeg wrote

Hello u/_anti_human_, your submission "Why is it scary?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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