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EDFLsnape OP t1_iuc8w5m wrote

billions of light years


xVikingson t1_iud1gxy wrote

He said 4.3light years anon, not billion.

And to put it into scale a lightyear is roughly 100Trillion kilometer.

To put that into scale

Light travels in 8 minutes from the sun to our earth traveling a rough 91million kilometers

To put that into scale

If light would travel our planet 8 times around (roughly 300.000km) it would take light 1 second.

To put that into scale

Usain Bolt is currently the fastest man to ever walk 100 meters in roughly 9seconds, if he could keep that pace it would still take him

If he would run at max speed he would take +/- 6.666hours Just over 277days straight of walking that pace To go the distance light would in a single second.