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gentlemancaller2000 t1_irkimmx wrote

What are the choices, other than Earth is vaporized and all life on Earth ceases to exist?


CocoLog1 OP t1_irkj58d wrote

Yeah this is what i thought, for whatever reason he didn't think it would totally get destroyed


ccc888 t1_irkse5o wrote

Your friend is a moron. The entire solar system would be gone


CocoLog1 OP t1_irlaovm wrote

I know. He was trying to back it up with "facts and data" most likely provided from false websites


Krii8 t1_irlrblm wrote

Actually. There are systems found in which planets seem to have survived their star's super nova. Planets have been found orbiting pulsars/neutron stars. They're just ultra burned to a crisp. Now, it is possible they all started orbiting after it happened. But who knows how common that is.

You might actually find interesting how the first exoplanet was found