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RaielLarecal t1_irmzfh2 wrote

I would not ponder so much about the aftermath: the beforemath is much more fun and intriguing.

Cuz in order to become a supernova Sol should be much more massive and that could only happend if it merges with another star, and by that time, Earth and probably the whole system would be shred to pieces with planets and moons shooting out (or falling in) from their orbits due to tidal forces and gravitational influence or shockwave from the crash. And the ones that survive would be surely finished off by the supernovas blast.

Earth, being so close to the merging stars stands no chance at all. And I wonder if even Pluto would be safe at all (doubt it). I'd bet even the oort cloud would be disrupted beyond recognition.

But hey! A beatiful planetary nebulae will be born!