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Cutecatladyy t1_iux07ap wrote

One of my friend's boyfriend is a computer engineer at SpaceX, and he had to work 80hr weeks alternating day/night shifts for $80kish in California. Granted, almost no one in tech is quite as horrible as Elon Musk when it comes to treatment of employees, but it can happen. I don't know how big of a field aerospace outside of defense contractors though, so I do have a data gap there.


volvogiff7kmmr t1_iux0idn wrote

musk companies are known for bad wlb. typically people in tech work 35 hrs a week.


Cutecatladyy t1_iux0xw2 wrote

Good to know! My boyfriend is in aerospace, so I only know what I know from him. And my friend who's boyfriend works for musk.