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apetnameddingbat t1_iv0pze3 wrote

Well, you do have that whole cancer won't bankrupt your family thing going for you, which is nice.


DoktorElmo t1_iv20r2f wrote

Yeah, but we on the other hand have problems with other bullshit. Thanks to wages growing slower than inflation since many years in the EU, needing a new car or even a washing machine is a big problem, due to next to no disposable income left for many families here in the EU. That won‘t happen when you earn 70k+ a year (only 3% of us working Austrians earn that much!) with far less taxes. In the US, you might be in a tough spot when shit hits the fan, but here you are in a slightly less tough spot all the time and when shit hits the fan, you better have a private insurance as well because the public health sector will give you an appointment for surgery in maybe 3 months due to no capacity, even when you have cancer. Wage- and ingflationwise, we are super fucked here and our public health sector is bled dry.