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raiderkev t1_iv5zoci wrote

Damn, all the bad guys are going to be harder to kill now


Ursa_Mid t1_iv61t3i wrote

Lunar eclipses cannot be viewed from all places on the globe simultaneously... WTF is this headline and why is it here?


jimbobjoe321 t1_iv62459 wrote

dude we can get the shark tooth necklace to boost dps


playmike5 t1_iv63al1 wrote

Yeah I was trying to work it out in my head before I realized it’s just not possible. The headline had me so confused because I read it half asleep and was just imagining the world sort of unfolding into a flat plane just to awe at this spectacle.


Youth-in-AsiaS-247 t1_iv63xm5 wrote

Yeah, these journalists need to not be allowed to use such vague terms to their advantage. Every year there’s eclipses and events and every year the same article, “the last one for a decade, the only chance for 40 years.” But somehow they keep saying that by twisting words and events to appear to be once in a lifetime, every time.

I also do not like the use of their Entire Planet garbage, and the article then describes how many continents it can be seen on but not where on those massive land masses. Unless the consider a daytime eclipse that you can’t see as counting… but they left out Antarctica so their “Entire Planet” headline should be illegal and they should be sentenced to public shaming or getting urinated on.


Nacho_Beardre t1_iv63yi0 wrote

This is the the moon that brings the red tide which leads to red waves


kms2547 t1_iv6642a wrote

Trash headline.

At BEST, roughly half the globe can see a total lunar eclipse.

Also, journalists need to stop calling them "blood moon". Just stop. You're not an 18th century bumpkin.


Alternative-Sock-444 t1_iv66rc0 wrote

"Around the world." I don't think this author understands how spheres work...


Maxwe4 t1_iv6c1l3 wrote

It didn't actually say it can be viewed around the world simultaneously, just that it can be viewed from around the world.

The article said 4 different continents.


InterestingAnt438 t1_iv6g9qc wrote

According to the NASA website, it will be visible in North America, Central America, Australia and eastern Asia.


zeeblecroid t1_iv6gbsr wrote

Seriously. It's gotten people thinking that eclipses and "blood moons" are separate things.

At least they didn't slap another three random adjectives onto this one like they've started doing for every full moon for some reason..


Deluxe78 t1_iv7difp wrote

🎶Don't go around tonight Well it's bound to take your life There's a blood moon Tuesday Night 🎶


clocks_and_clouds t1_iv7ewto wrote

It's my birthday on tuesday, and as far as I remember, I don't think I've ever witnessed a celestial event on my birthday. Can't wait to wake up early and watch it.


zeeblecroid t1_iv7f90w wrote

No, it's a replacement term for "lunar eclipse" which journalists started pushing some years back because it sounded scarier and less science-y, and thus gets more clicks. Purely dumbing things down for advertising purposes.


ChEmIcAl_KeEn t1_iv9myld wrote

Keep your hair on! Its just I looked on the website and didn't really understand the picture and it showed the uk on the ass end of something.

The uk will get the blood moon on monday just not the eclipse


InterestingAnt438 t1_iv9p4lo wrote

Well, to be fair, yeah, the map on the NASA website is a bit confusing. It looks like the UK might see the very beginning of the eclipse, the penumbral, around 8 am, but I don't know if anything will really be visible.


Thoth_of_Hermopolis t1_ivgla36 wrote

The Blood Moon is an eerie mechanic in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild that enhances Ganon's power, allowing the spirits of fallen enemies to return to life by the red glow.

Be extra careful if you notice a red moon overhead (it is first possible to see it at 9:00PM or 21:00 in-game). You may want to avoid entering enemy camps or engaging Minibosses and bosses until after the Blood Moon passes at midnight. Enemies, including bosses, will regain all of their health after a Blood Moon!