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Flowchart83 t1_iy3qap3 wrote

Frozen CO2 on the poles. Mars doesn't have a global magnetic field so will never experience an aurora like on Earth.


zimirken t1_iy4bcw3 wrote

Never say never. Apparently someone did the math and it would only take <100 coils around the planet and about 100 kilowatts to make enough of a magnetic field for protection.


Flowchart83 t1_iy4bp98 wrote

I would like to see that math.


zimirken t1_iy4dx7i wrote

It was just some random comment on reddit. I did find a discussion of the concept here though:

They estimated 10GW, which is a couple nuclear powerplants. By the time you're running transmartian cables, you'll have the infrastructure to make big nuke plants. The magnetic field needs to be big, not necessarily strong.


Flowchart83 t1_iy4e83l wrote

It wasn't the concept of using a giant electromagnet that seemed off to me, it was the wattage. 10GW I can believe, 100kW I would find hard to. Also, since mars is smaller than earth and further from the sun it wouldn't need quite as powerful a field as we have.