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isleepinahammock t1_ixflhnx wrote

If the worst predictions of climate change come to pass, and we do collapse or regress to a much reduced or primitive state, our descendants will say:

Men were as Gods in those days. They could shout loud enough to be heard on the other side of the world. They could fly through the air like birds, and even soar beyond the bonds of Earth itself. Some say the Ancestors even tasted the air of worlds orbiting the distant stars!


songsofadistantsun t1_ixg4otm wrote

I feel like civilizational collapse is more likely than not in the next century, so if all space exploration fails, I want to be able to say we finally answered The Big Question - is their life beyond Earth - while we had the chance. Like the Moon landings, that's something our descendants would be able to keep forever, no matter what happens to the world.