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godbot693258 t1_ixhj0cc wrote

Even if we had a huge settlement on the moon with billions of people we would only effect the mass of the moon by something like 0.0000009% not enough to do anything.


that_one_dude13 t1_ixhju9q wrote

Doesn't make me feel better, all this talk about space elevators and transit stop offs spook me. There's so many tiny factors that there is no way humans could figure out all the impacts, and I'm doubtful quantum computing could do it either. IT just feels like Maybe we need to be reallllllllllllly sure before we start messing more the way the earth functions imo.


godbot693258 t1_ixhluv4 wrote

we do not have the destructive capability to effect a large planet or moons mass/ orbit in any major way. The reason have damaged the atmosphere so easily is because it is so ridiculously thin it is 0.8% of earths radius which is thinner than the skin of an apple if it was equivalent sized to the earth.


that_one_dude13 t1_ixhmuzb wrote

We also haven't built anything that encompasses the earth or our pal in the sky , I feel as even a "ring" around the planet with what ever mystery building material they make it out of would have to have some impact.


godbot693258 t1_ixhn71u wrote

Again that is something that is way beyond our current technological capabilities. The best we are going to do in the near future is a small base.


that_one_dude13 t1_ixhnku0 wrote

In the original comment you responded too I was referencing things that aren't in our current capabilities either. I guess it was a statement for our great grandchildren to consider rather then it being directed at anyone in particular, although I do think there is merits to starting to plan shit out as early as we can comprehend the project at hand. If not for anything other then inspiration for the hypothetical planning period . Edit* I guess I was talking about bases on the specifically,