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ricardo9505 t1_ixxkbp6 wrote

Jesus! How much of this would you say is visible to the naked eye? I'm a city kid.


misschzburger t1_ixxo4xk wrote

I've been near there. The light pollution is pretty minimal since towns are few and far between. But i cannot directly answer your question re: visibility to the naked eye.


CustomerNormal t1_ixy30uj wrote

My grandparents house is in the country and some nights I can make out that galaxy with the naked eye. It's definitely not that visible nor detailed but I can tell there is a large cluster of stars. With clear skies and no moon that is.


misschzburger t1_ixy3631 wrote

I live in the boonies of north America. I can see a ton of stars from my yard because of the distance from any towns/light pollution. The mountains help, too.


beerintrees t1_ixy5s3r wrote

I lived in this town for 2 years. The streetlights are capped and face down and is a light pollution free area. It’s also in the Makenzie basin which is wild and sprawling and just beautiful. There’s an observatory on top a near mountain as well. Needless to say the skies are gorgeous most of the time and you can see a lot with the naked eye.


gimpwiz t1_ixy8w8b wrote

In dark areas, the milky way core and a field full of stars is easily visible to the naked eye. If you look, you'll see stars shimmering in different colors. But the color between stars is generally never visible to the naked eye, except for when it's a reflection of other, closer light scattered off the atmosphere.


Punk_Says_Fuck_You t1_ixyk4fx wrote

Not quite like this picture. I’ve been to this area. It’s a dark sky reserve. You can see more than most other places in the world but not quite as bright as this image. It’s still amazing to see in person though.

If this makes sense…imagine you put a thin black piece of paper you can kinda see through over this image. It will dull it down and lower the brightness. That’s kinda how it looks in real life.


Ok_Cap_408 t1_ixylilf wrote

I'm in a very similar situation and while I have witnessed clear night skies while camping it is a shame that light pollution has such a negative impact.