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steliosmudda OP t1_j1npdn0 wrote

Doesn’t the second one look way better than the first one to you?

Trevor takes some good images but he also has darker skies than mine. Plus if you have a full res image of his and try to zoom in, you’ll realize that his images aren’t that good.

He’s very focused on social media and his images are meant to fit that. So his images look good on Instagram, but wouldn’t have success on Astrobin. Any astrophotographer will be able to tell but I guess if you have no idea how these images are actually taken then it’s a lost cause.

Edit because I didn’t see: yes my mount was expensive but the mount is the single most important piece of equipment in AP. My mount isn’t even that exotic if you’d know other astronophotographers.


_insomagent t1_j1o7eeg wrote

> Edit because I didn’t see: yes my mount was expensive but the mount is the single most important piece of equipment in AP. My mount isn’t even that exotic if you’d know other astronophotographers.

Funny, I thought the single most important piece of equipment is the astrophotographer's skill. /s
