PM_WITH_TOTS t1_j19srem wrote
Reply to comment by comesbeforeV in Mars' ancient atmosphere may not have had much oxygen after all by pecika
Maybe someday I can open Reddit without seeing Elon Musk’s name. Someday..
multiversesimulation t1_j19ypej wrote
Thank you. Exactly what I was thinking. Thought this subreddit was supposed to be about science, not political views.
[deleted] t1_j1aitxp wrote
GottaDisagreeChief t1_j1ala01 wrote
Elon is irrelevant to this post and it’s exhausting to have to hear about it 24/7 on unrelated things.
MarkHamillsrightnut t1_j19tugx wrote
My dude, it is so exhausting. The only headline with his name in it I want to see is about him joining his car in space.
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