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reddit-admins-suck t1_j1aip1n wrote

Mars is a dead-end. Nothing ever lived there and no one ever will. At least not humans.

We should abandon this endeavor ASAP and focus on Titan and Enceladus instead.


PoliticalRacePlayPM t1_j1aomew wrote

Thank you u/Reddit-admins-suck for your valuable insight

It’s honestly a miracle to think that the countless men & women who dedicated their entire lives to this never thought of that possibility

Brava, Brava.


resserus t1_j1auivd wrote

Caves 20 miles deep on Mars would be at room temperature and sea level pressure. Underground everyone on Earth could live there.


GotGRR t1_j1b8qiq wrote

So, two or three times as deep, ten times the diameter of the deepest boring on earth and only a short 5 month space flight away? That sounds amazing and like a project for the second or third generation of settlers.


Eggplantosaur t1_j1apo1q wrote

Titan will get a full size explorer in 2032, should be great. Is stupidly far away though. Mars is already a huge challenge to reach for humans with the 5ish months it takes to get there.

Getting to Titan? Try 5 years


assignment2 t1_j1ar969 wrote

Agreed, so many rovers sent to this wasteland when we could have been exploring Europa.


bookers555 t1_j1i6vln wrote

Explore what? There's very little in Europa's surface, whats interesting is miles below its surface, and good luck getting anything down there. And thats if the rover can sustain Jupiter's extreme radiation.