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Kooky_Performance116 t1_j1l9nbm wrote

Shit we might be the most intelligent life form this universe has ever created.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j1n93lg wrote

Which is scarier - the thought that we really are all that, the smartest in the universe, or that we’re not?


TLR1791 t1_j1lqk7n wrote

And we're killing ourselves.

But maybe we need to so something can balance itself out? If the earth has natural cycles and systems to maintain itself, why wouldn't the solar system, galaxy, and/or universe?


dperraetkt t1_j1lspsi wrote

This is basically our first shot at industrial technology, and we still know so little. Like running forward blindfolded. Eventually we’ll hit a wall and have to start over but it should be smarter the second. I think we’re doing alright for smart violent monkeys


Ko8iWanKeno8i t1_j1lykig wrote

that's the scary thing... an apocalypse that doesn't kill everyone would make evolution move much faster


THENATHE t1_j1nrr84 wrote

Incorrect really, humanity has already used basically all easily accessible “exotic” resources like oil, rare earth metals, and large deposits of nuclear stuff.

If we fail now at a large scale, it’s unlikely we will ever get off the ground again because we can’t make the machine to drill oil or extract uranium without oil to run the machine in the first place, and hand pump jacks won’t cover it anymore.

This is our only chance


dperraetkt t1_j1lz35u wrote

I mean rapid unimpeded growth has never worked and we are burning extra bright right now, you’d figure the planet telling us to slow down would raise more eyebrows


Ko8iWanKeno8i t1_j1lzg0o wrote

it's refreshing to hear macro perspectives of where we are right now, totally seems this explosion of energy is bound to collapse