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mavric91 t1_j1gm8kr wrote

A metaphor I’ve always liked is the raisin bread one. In this metaphor, the raisins are galaxies, and the dough/bread is space-time. When you bake the loaf, the dough rises and expands. And once the loaf has finished baking the raisins are now farther apart than when they started. But they aren’t farther apart because they moved through the dough away from each other. They are farther apart because the dough expanded. The substrate they exist in expanded, space between them expanded, and now they are farther apart.

So when we talk about the universe expanding, we aren’t talking about galaxies simply drifting farther away from each other. We are literally talking about space itself expanding. The emptiness itself between galaxies gets bigger. And that process can happen faster than the speed of light.

It’s also worth noting (and I’m not that up to date on this so someone correct me) that the Big Bang isn’t like everything just started expanding from a single point at the speed of light. It’s more like all of a sudden everything just was. Not instantaneously, but in a matter of seconds the early universe just was, and it was big (millions? Billions? of light years big). And from that point it began to rapidly span outwards. And again, the Big Bang wasn’t all of a sudden matter exploded into the empty space-time of our universe. The Big Bang created our universe. It created space. Before it there was nothing. Not nothing like empty intergalactic space nothing. I mean like no-such-thing-as-empty-space nothing.

So yah the universe can expand that much in a short amount of time.


highjinx411 t1_j1gp9bm wrote

Weird. It just makes me crazy thinking about there being nothing and then something for no reason at all.


mavric91 t1_j1gpxnc wrote

Yah the trick that works for me is just to not think about it too hard or else I risk full existential crisis.


starsblink t1_j1h03e5 wrote

I just like to think that we don't know yet. Our universe could be inside a grain of sand on a beach we can't see yet.


f_d t1_j1gwp98 wrote

>It’s also worth noting (and I’m not that up to date on this so someone correct me) that the Big Bang isn’t like everything just started expanding from a single point at the speed of light. It’s more like all of a sudden everything just was. Not instantaneously, but in a matter of seconds the early universe just was, and it was big (millions? Billions? of light years big). And from that point it began to rapidly span outwards.

The idea is that all the energy and space started out packed together densely, then rapidly expanded everywhere at once similar to how space is expanding everywhere at once today. Even when it was packed together densely, it could have been infinitely large. Just denser than it is now.


Ebonicus t1_j1gx706 wrote

I wonder if the space between all quarks is also expanding. Meaning the raisins are getting bigger and we won't notice it, because the ruler is getting bigger too.