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joepublicschmoe t1_iypvz2a wrote

The TQ-12 rocket engine these Landspace guys developed is impressive. They got it from drawing board to test stand to flight in 7 years. This is a methalox gas-generator-cycle rocket engine about the same size and power as an early-version SpaceX Merlin 1D.

Europe is trying to develop a rocket engine very similar to the TQ-12 called Prometheus (to be used in a future reusable Ariane rocket). Prometheus is also a methalox gas-generator cycle rocket engine, also similar size and similar power. They have been working on it since 2010 and it is currently in the component development stage (no complete engine yet, after 13 years). Landspace getting their engine from drawing board to flight in 7 years is very impressive.

It will be interesting to see how the TQ-12 engine performs in flight.