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kairotechnics t1_j0me28v wrote

Hmmm I think you’re forgetting the whole thing where SpaceX lands supersonic skyscrapers from space


GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0mebbx wrote

James Webb to me personally is one of the greatest feats of engineering in the 21st century (thus far). Space X has made strides and innovation in the realm of rocketry, but they’re not the only ones pushing boundaries in the aerospace industry. They just get the most media attention because of Elon.


upyoars t1_j0oeouz wrote

James Webb is amazing but it should have been launched in 2011, I really want the LUVOIR telescope to be out ASAP, it’s going to dwarf James Webb


toodroot t1_j0of13o wrote

JWST's budget overrun delayed the entire astronomy program. So here we are.


SpaceInMyBrain t1_j0nb7hx wrote

>they’re not the only ones pushing boundaries in the aerospace industry.

They've pushed the boundaries far more than anyone else and far ahead of anyone else. They get media attention for that, and that's a big part of why Elon started getting media attention, along with Tesla. A big chunk of his wealth that made him the world's richest person is in SpaceX. Then for the last ~3 years things snowballed. World's richest made him highly visible and also an automatic target for every word he said. Then all his media attention became bigger than the attention SpaceX got. The sequence is different from your statement. (All this precedes the Twitter disaster.


GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0nbsvu wrote

“They’ve pushed the boundaries far more than anyone else, and far ahead of anyone else”. That’s obviously highly debatable from the statement I just listed above. Have they innovated and pushed the field of rocketry forward? Absolutely they have. But to say they’ve pushed the boundaries far more than anyone else, tells me you don’t pay attention all that much to what actually goes on inside the aerospace industry. The Space industry is way more than just Rockets.


SpaceInMyBrain t1_j0o0kvw wrote

>tells me you don’t pay attention all that much to what actually goes on inside the aerospace industry.

Be careful about making judgements based on one paragraph. I've followed aerospace for decades, since Gemini, since the X-15, and since communications satellites made transcontinental communications possible as an exotic occurrence and then more and more commonplace. Saw the first Landsat images and have followed how it and its successors and offshoots have improved the understanding of land use and climate change and eco-disasters. It's impossible to overstate the extent of the changes to the understanding of ecology. Saw the pale blue dot photo when it was made. Watched Hubble launch and followed the details of the mirror misfortune, the deep reasons, not the popular press ones. All along with the spy satellite connection to the mirror. And yes, the magnificent photos and increase of knowledge about galaxy formation and black holes - and the first exoplanets. Well, enough on me paying attention to the broader achievements.

SpaceX didn't just impress me with the rocketry of the reusable Falcon 9 - and landing boosters 150+ times is especially impressive since no one else has done it once. Deploying Starlink is something that's having a tremendous impact in many fields. Setting up a production line that produces thousands of satellites is unprecedented. OneWeb is doing pretty well with hundreds, I haven't ignored others in aerospace. SpaceX developed the Dragon spacecraft, which includes innovations others inside the aerospace industry did not manage - the Starliner has a lot of compromises and not a lot of innovation. The need for 28 thrusters, some from different suppliers, is the opposite of elegant design. Idk if you include spacecraft with rocketry, I'm just demonstrating that I pay more attention to what's going on inside the space industry than you thought.

I say far more than anyone else, and far ahead, because the F9 has been landing 1st stages for 7 years and the next credible competitor will be Rocket Lab with Neutron. If we posit 2025 for its successful landings that puts SpaceX a decade ahead of the rest. (China is hard to guess about, but I'd be surprised at a landing with reuse before 2024.) SpaceX has developed the first flightworthy full-flow staged combustion engine, with an insanely high chamber pressure. The closest anyone has come with a new engine is Blue Origin with BE-4, a partial flow staged combustion engine with a remarkably low chamber pressure. Tbf, it was the proper goal to set themselves for their 1st powerful engine - but it does help contrast the Raptor with the rest of industry. (I separate its success from Starship's because the latter's is far from assured and would be distracting.) (The legacy aerospace companies worked on full flow staged combustion but didn't progress from what were essentially bench top versions.) Yes, this is all about rocketry but I am once again proving I do pay attention to what goes on within the aerospace industry. I'm also aware Skylon is chasing the SSTO dream. Some company is pursuing suppressed-sound supersonic commercial aircraft. All sorts of stuff is going on. The sensitivity and pixel count of sensors for the next space telescopes, and the supporting data storage, etc, increases incredibly year by year.

The deep science JWST will produce and the various impacts of cheap access to LEO and beyond are to an extent apples and oranges. You said "to me personally", and that's fine, you prefer apples. I pay more attention to the oranges of rocketry and human spacecraft, but I'm definitely aware of the rest. At the end of the day, to me personally what SpaceX has done is a sequence of engineering that's the greatest feat of the last 5-7 years.

Edit: OK, maybe I went a little overboard here...


toodroot t1_j0nz6yx wrote

> The Space industry is way more than just Rockets.


Who's the #1 satellite manufacturer by mass?

It's great that you like your employer, but if someone disagrees with you, it's not very polite to tell them that they aren't paying attention.


GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0o6qqq wrote

If you’re taking into account StarLink, probably space x. We’re talking about being innovative though, not the mass production of satellites that give you a better internet connection in rural area’s. That’s not being innovative, Space x’s innovation has come from their rocketry.


toodroot t1_j0oawfx wrote

Mass production isn't an innovation? What happened to that Springfield Rifle assembly line I learned about when I was a child?


GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0ob84s wrote

The idea of mass producing satellites to give people better internet connections in rural areas is not a wild concept my guy. Space-x wasn’t the first to think of that, they just managed to execute it before anyone else because of how much money they have.


toodroot t1_j0oc5or wrote

My guy, Space-x doesn't exist. SpaceX never claimed to be the first to think of it: Iridium and Globalstar are the pioneers who went bankrupt with a ton of arrows in their backs. SpaceX launched IridiumNEXT. Iridium was happy that they had the first satellite assembly line. Then OneWeb Airbus built a bigger one, now SpaceX has the biggest. In short, it's a history of rapid innovation.


Hershieboy t1_j0nevo1 wrote

So what you're saying is Space X has amazing engineers and they're really good. Elon has little to do with their progress. He doesn't actually know how to make rockets fly or how cars work. He's only this wealthy because of carbon credits, government contracts, and an apartheid Era emerald mine. Stop giving Elon credit. It's the staff that puts up with all his ego that should be getting the credit.


MyaheeMyastone t1_j0nvl4m wrote

Yeah but their engineers have come out and said that Elon was essential to the production process? I really don’t get why people don’t just give proper credit where it’s due. The guy may not be manufacturing rockets himself, but if the engineers of Space X say that he has an essential role in the process, I believe them


Hershieboy t1_j0qzhgy wrote

I mean yeah capital is essential, securing deals for government funding was essential, it's why he appeared liberal during the Obama administration.


dilletaunty t1_j0nz26e wrote

You believe employees praising their (volatile and petty) employer?


MyaheeMyastone t1_j0o09fn wrote

I mean they’ve gone out of their way to do it when they could have said nothing?


toodroot t1_j0o1f1k wrote

One of the employees with a very positive opinion is retired.


Hershieboy t1_j0qzkvz wrote

Exactly, he has no problem firing people who say anything different from himself.


SpaceInMyBrain t1_j0nu6dy wrote

Where in what I wrote did I say whether Elon deserved a small, medium, large, or minuscule amount of credit? I simply reviewed the sequence of how he became prominent, with no reference to the issues you bring up. You'll note I gave the sequence as "they (SpaceX)" got media attention for advanced rocketry and that added to why Elon got more media attention.


BeerPoweredNonsense t1_j0pim97 wrote

>an apartheid Era emerald mine

The emerald mine is a Reddit favorite, but if you dig into it there's very little to prove it ever existed e.g. Snopes could not find anything.


Hershieboy t1_j0psecm wrote I mean you have to use the way back machine due to scrubbing. But he claims to have full knowledge of the mine. It's almost like the man what's to write his own history to make himself more palatable to the public.


BeerPoweredNonsense t1_j0q3age wrote

He "claims" his dad had a mine.

That's the thing about this story - it's just a couple of "claims" in interviews, from either Elon Musk - a man who is, ahem, known for making outlandish claims. Or else an interview with his dad, a man who's busy fucking his own step-daughter and getting her pregnant. Unless someone can actually show me the name and location of the mine - which shouldn't be that difficult, mines are not exactly easy to hide - I'll remain dubious.


Hershieboy t1_j0qza7r wrote

So why believe anything he says? I just know the Panama papers showed all kinds of ways the wealthy hide their money and shelter themselves from taxes. I'm willing to bet it was hidden to fit his narrative of being self-made. It's well within a reasonable doubt that he'd hide evidence of it. So I'm also very dubious.


[deleted] t1_j0mkyph wrote



GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0mlbdu wrote

Again, I think space-x does good stuff with respect to rocketry, they’re innovative on that forefront. But, they’re the not the only players in the game that are innovating. As someone who works for Northrop Grumman, I can ensure that from experience. Especially within the business sector I currently work in.


[deleted] t1_j0mm06b wrote



GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0mmjix wrote

I’m not underselling their innovative success, I’m saying a lot of the attention the company brings to themselves is because of Elon. He’s the richest man in the world, and currently a huge figure head. Companies like Northrop, Boeing, etc don’t get 10x the publicity that space-x does. A lot of that is because of Elon. How many people actually know that Northrop built JWST? Most people would tell you it was NASA.


rdrast t1_j0nhbnj wrote

Don't forget SpaceX global point to point travel! Coming in 2017, er, 2019, er, 2021, er, wait, no more government billions pouring in to the non-existent program?

Stop advertising it!
