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Chevron7Nice t1_j1fwkpr wrote

While that would be awesome, it wouldn't work. The red bull guy was stationary. The people on the ISS are traveling incredibly fast to keep their orbit - and that is what causes the heat buildup on reentry. So it won't work sadly.


broberds t1_j1i7ik9 wrote

Well it will work sadly. Problem is there’s no way to make it work happily.


Thighbleman t1_j1ivq8u wrote

The red bull guy was also 10 times lower and still technicly in the atmosphere. Its also all denser there. Even if the astronouts came to a stop at 400km they would have 300km to hit the atmosphere. They would do it at 2.5km/s... and that would not start slowing them down for probably another 50 or sth. Its mach 7... they would burn


Thighbleman t1_j1iwgf5 wrote

I assumed they cant leave landing capsule at some lower hight. No depressurization chamer etc... also having rocket engine brings to much to the equation... it cant have fuel to stop all 2.5km/s of the decend so...


ammonium_bot t1_j1jfdz1 wrote

> brings to much to

Did you mean to say "too much"?
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Vagabond_Grey t1_j1fyfce wrote

What about taking the damaged capsule to a point where it's safe to parachute down?


davidbenett t1_j1gq62f wrote

It's not about reaching a certain point it's about bleeding off all the excess speed.


Rayden440 t1_j1gvmwr wrote

Redbull guy was relatively stationary in space. The astronauts on the ISS is moving 7.7km per second around the earth. If they attempted to parachute back to earth, the astronauts will burn up. We’ll be lucky to even find a bit of their charred remains if at all.


abstract_concept t1_j1jfhhr wrote

They're in orbit, not just high up. The red bull guy was high up.

These people are much higher up AND going sideways so fast they keep missing the earth even though they're falling towards it.

It's slowing down from going sideways fast that creates a bunch of the heat. Even if they could stop, they also still have a really long way to fall and would still build up a ton of speed as they hit the atmosphere.

Turns out, space is hard.