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FedRCivP11 t1_j0gi3l6 wrote

Because, as everyone knows, physics has already coughed up her last secrets to us. There’s nothing we have yet to learn about.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gi9u9 wrote

Unless our physics completely changes, which it hasn't for the past 100 years, then it's very unlikely FTL will ever be possible because with our current physics it is impossible.


Gatrigonometri t1_j0gj5sp wrote

You’re meaning to tell us that people 200 years ago had the innate understanding of the mechanism of splitting atom?


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gkd6w wrote

You are again equating something we didn't understand to something we do understand and know is impossible. Splitting the atom wasn't impossible because it happens naturally in nature all the time. Fusion also happens in stars naturally all the time and we can see it.

NO ONE has ever seen anything moving FTL in any experiment or anywhere in nature.

It is impossible.


mf9769 t1_j0gq383 wrote

Dude, I think everyone understands that FTL is impossible. What you're not doing is not leaving the possibility of being wrong, however minute, open. That's not science. That's bigotry.


[deleted] t1_j0gqaij wrote



mf9769 t1_j0gsdfx wrote

Maybe we don’t have the ability to see things moving at FTL until we prove the theory behind them moving at FTL being possible. In that case, we just don’t know what to look for. If you were blind and didn’t know what the color blue was and i tried to explain it to you, you wouldn’t have the frame of reference to understand what the heck i’m talking about.


[deleted] t1_j0gsrqi wrote



mf9769 t1_j0gudat wrote

This is where you’re partially wrong. I won’t say my understanding of math and physics is at the level of a PHD or anything like that but 30 years of dinner table discussions with someone who’s understanding of it IS at that level, as well as a personal interest in the subject and multiple college courses has given me a good backround. His belief, like yours and mine, btw, is that it’s impossible, precisely for all the reasons you’ve stated. At the same time, even that guy doesn’t have the brazen overconfidence to say that we understand enough to completely rule anything out.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gvkeq wrote

Bro, provide evidence you are right or keep learning. YOu can't just say things are possible with no evidence. This is how science works. You need evidence.

There is NO EVIDENCE that FTL is possible. NONE. ZERO. We've never witnessed it.

Our best math says it's impossible also.

If you can't accelerate to FTL you can't move FTL, and General Relativity says you can't accelerate anything with mass to light speed. It requires infinite energy.

Since infinite energy is IMPOSSIBLE then FTL is IMPOSSIBLE.

Unless we overhaul General Relativity, which hasn't changed in over 100 years, then FTL is a pipe dream.

The best minds have been trying to improve GR for 100 years and have failed. It has also been proven to be EXTREMELY accurate over those 100 years.

It is the MOST advanced understanding we have and the culmination of the pinnacle of our achievements and it says you can not go FTL because of having to accelerate to get to FTL velocities.

Warp drives do not solve this problem. They specifically ignore this problem because of how impossible it is. They do not work.

Wormholes also do not work.

Nothing we have ever thought of works. They all fail.

You are relying on a complete overhaul of everything we understand to make FTL possible.

It's not happening.


Demiculverin t1_j0giu8k wrote

In the 1800s they said the same thing. And with the discovery of XRays that has changed dramatically.

Arrogance in science gets you nowhere.