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JebusHCrust t1_j10ut10 wrote

We don't know.

But 150 years ago we didn't know how to fly, either.


IndyJacksonTT t1_j111g2s wrote

One problem is that for meaningful interstellar travel on traditional human lifetimes you need FTL. And FTL would require nearly a complete rework of the way we understand the universe

A lot has changed in the past 150 years but I doubt at this point we’ll rework the whole thing

I’m happy to be proven wrong tho


LaoWai01 t1_j112qlu wrote

Considering that “dark matter” is a thing there’s still something fundamental about the universe that we don’t understand.


NotAHamsterAtAll t1_j1142n7 wrote

95% is "Dark Fudge" with current understanding. So needless to say, our understanding is severely lacking. Crossing fingers for warp-drives or wormholes is possible in those 95%, but I'm not holding my breath.


Storyteller-Hero t1_j116lqr wrote

If the current wild theory about magnetic fields being able to produce potential warp bubbles turns out to be true, FTL might not really require a complete rework of physics.


IndyJacksonTT t1_j11ags6 wrote

Also the simple discovery and creation of negative energy would do this


arcosapphire t1_j11xq7a wrote

This word, "simple"...I do not believe you know what it means.