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TheUmgawa t1_j117my2 wrote

To be fair, if you could actually get up to lightspeed, you would instantaneously arrive at wherever you were going. Or, at least, that would be your perception. A photon, from the moment it is emitted to the moment it is absorbed, experiences no time at all. If you want real world examples of time dilation, you need look no further than particle accelerators, where a particle that exists for, say, half a second before decaying into other particles can be accelerated to a significant percentage of the speed of light and its lifespan, to us, will be significantly longer, in seconds or perhaps even minutes. But, from the standpoint of the particle in the accelerator, it will still decay in half a second.

Thankfully, you can never actually travel at the speed of light, because to achieve that goal would cause you to attain infinite mass, and that would be bad for the rest of us.