[deleted] t1_j29swzg wrote
Reddit-runner t1_j29t2oc wrote
Pretty interesting retrograde orbit.
It's not often that you see a rocket launching due west.
[deleted] t1_j2bm3ea wrote
MoabEngineer t1_j2cajov wrote
Actually, launches from Vandenberg are to the south, not the west. EROS was launched into a sun-synchronous orbit at 97.5 degrees inclination. An exact polar launch (90 degrees inclination) would be precisely oriented north-south.
MoabEngineer t1_j2caqed wrote
EROS stands for "Earth Resources Observation Satellite."
Reddit-runner t1_j2ctnx9 wrote
EROS launched into a 140⁰ orbit.
SelectAd1942 t1_j28ng99 wrote
What’s up with the name EROS? Kinky phallic rocket?