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sintegral t1_j1fwsda wrote

Have you looked into the recent “reverse sieve black hole theory? Similar to your idea. Also, have you checked out Calabi-Yau manifolds? Conjecture at this point, but you might get some original ideas when reading about them:

Seriously, keep thinking about this. Also it would be good to read about virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuation if you haven’t already.


boomdart t1_j1gjpo4 wrote


I'm going to take a look at everything I can, I will look at your suggestions post haste!

The manifold is interesting - I'm definitely going to look at that carefully. I think it can help describe this general leftover of mass/matter I want to have, it seems immeasurable now but that hasn't stopped our pursuits before or yet.

The reverse time idea is interesting for sure as well... very interesting. I hadn't considered it but I'm going to look at the details, see if there's anything I can use. edit: I've seen similar stuff to this extent, I think usually involving niel degrasse tyson. It's all very interesting. I need to look at the actual works because through NDT's eyes it sounds like comic book stuff.

Thank you again!