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TheRealDonData t1_j1cyv9x wrote

I think the issue with time travel is as far as we know now, black holes have the ability to “distort” time. From an observer’s viewpoint outside the black hole, time will appear to stop.

But contrary to how many popular sci-fi movies portray it, it’s not like you go through the black hole and come out on the other side in a different time frame. The cessation of time only exists within the black hole.

The idea of wormholes (which have never been proven to exist) also posits the same idea of being able to manipulate time. But even theoretically, they have the same problem as black holes. Time can only be distorted within the wormhole.

I won’t say it’s impossible, but it’s going to take an enormous amount of technological and intellectual advancement to make time travel possible. If it happens, I doubt people are going to be interested in time traveling to the past.

Considering the amount of resources that would be necessary to accomplish this, it would make far more sense to time travel to the future, not the past. I know a lot of sci-fi movies focus on the idea of time traveling to the past to make meaningful changes that will impact the future.

But if you look at it realistically, it makes more sense to expend resources time traveling into the future, not the past. Time traveling into the past presumes you can change the past to impact the future. But that’s a huge gamble.

We would be better off traveling into the future, to see what’s happening there, so we can better prepare for it. Or perhaps make changes in the present, that can positively benefit our future.


BrotherBrutha t1_j1cz75c wrote

>We would be better off traveling into the future, to see what’s happening there, so we can better prepare for it. Or perhaps make changes in the present, that can positively benefit our future.

But then you'd have to travel back into the past again so you can let everyone know what's going to happen ;)


TheRealDonData t1_j1czj1y wrote

Based on the current prevailing theories I’m assuming we could only experience the future or past while in the black hole or worm hole. Then we leave the hole and are back in the present. In that context it would make sense to “view” the future, not the past.


BrotherBrutha t1_j1d17wd wrote

Well, by far the easiest way to time travel to the future is just to go very very fast, then relativity will put you there without the need for wormholes, black holes and so on.

Of course, that's not reversible though, going very very fast backwards won't help.

Dunno about the black hole / wormhole approach, I'd thought there was no way of transmitting information across a black hole event horizon.

Worm holes might be another matter though.